The past two Saturdays, me, Matt, Dad and Cody have headed up to the McBride’s to cut down a few of their dead trees for firewood. I’ll be the first to say, we definitely got a workout, but we actually had a lot of fun cutting, chopping and even climbing (yes dad, climbing) trees! Here are a few pictures…

Dad and Matt did most of the sawing, but Cody jumped in there too.. and yes, even me!!
The first obstacle we ran into was when the tree the guys cut fell straight into another tree. We had quite the time trying to get it out.
First dad tried to cut it so it would fall in the opposite direction. That didn’t quite work. Instead, we ended up with a floating tree.
Next, Cody suggested we use a rope to pull it down.
That worked well, except dad decided to climb up the cut tree to tie the rope onto the highest branch he could find. Which left him stranded on the tree. Ha, he was having way too much fun!!

Our next tree fell directly on the stack of firewood we had so carefully laid. Oops.
Who knew you could have so much fun chopping wood??
Thank you McBrides for keeping us warm this winter!!!