Like so many people told us, Disneyland is such a different place when it's just you and your significant other, and we couldn't agree more. It has such a special place in our hearts now and we can't wait to go back to remember all the memories we made and to make more!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The happiest place on earth...
Matt and I went to Disneyland on our honeymoon and had a total blast! I don't know that we were expecting to have as much fun as we did! We were slightly concerned that kids running around us and exhausted parents may not be ideal for our first vacation together, but since we had never been to Disneyland together (in almost five years of dating and how many trips to southern california?!) we thought it would be fun. When we arrived in Anaheim on Sunday evening, we were determined to find a Blockbuster to rent a few movies for Monday, which we had decided would be our major "rest and relaxation" day. We map-quested it and found that there was one only 1 and 3/4 miles away. We were excited to explore and figured a walk would be nice, so we set off. Little did we know that was apparently the direct distance from point A to point B. We walked and we walked and we walked. After confirming that Anaheim does indeed have ghetto and it isn't far from the most magical place on earth, we stumbled into a super sketchy Blockbuster. But we got our movies! We guessed we walked about 6 miles roundtrip (yuck!) The next day we relaxed and watched our movies we worked so hard for, and decided to eat at House of Blues in downtown Disney. Being this close to the park got us so pumped to get inside, so we woke up at the crack of dawn the next morning to open the park! We couldn't wait! I definitely think we were more excited than many of the kids in line with us!!

Like so many people told us, Disneyland is such a different place when it's just you and your significant other, and we couldn't agree more. It has such a special place in our hearts now and we can't wait to go back to remember all the memories we made and to make more!!
Like so many people told us, Disneyland is such a different place when it's just you and your significant other, and we couldn't agree more. It has such a special place in our hearts now and we can't wait to go back to remember all the memories we made and to make more!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our story.
Our story together is a classic. Two kids brought together by the anxiety and anticipation of what is known as the Faith Christian christmas banquet. The one and only formal Faith puts on a year can be attributed to a number of life long (or week long) relationships. Ah and yes, we were one of them. The three months prior are filled with excitement (on the girl’s end) of endless questions. What will I wear? How will I do my hair? The list goes on. However, I think the boys’ end is a little different, they have one major question, who to ask? And so, as it typically goes, Matt talked to his best friend, who talked to his girlfriend (my best friend) to see if I was interested. Of course, I was. Five minute breaks became times of butterflies and stuttering as we got to know eachother in between classes. Our friends like to make fun of how we more or less stood smiling at eachother repeating the same conversation we had an hour before about the previous night’s soccer game, or that afternoon’s cheerleading practice. We didn’t care, we just wanted to see eachother. I will never forget those conversations.

It was almost five years ago since we first started dating, and I find myself falling more in love with him every day.
It was almost five years ago since we first started dating, and I find myself falling more in love with him every day.
Well hello there, we're the Ithurburns!
I guess starting a blog of our own means we’ve finally "grown up." Well, Matt doesn’t want to believe it. Either way, just in the few weeks we’ve been in Gridley, we’ve realized how quickly we lose touch with family and friends, and this is, as everyone we know has decided as well, the best way to keep everyone posted with the ins and outs of newlywed life.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a month now since Matt and I finally tied the knot. It’s come and gone so quickly, and I’m sure most of you have read post after post of pre, mid, and after wedding details, so I won’t bore you with all the pictures (if you want those, just check out Mom’s!) But I can’t help but share our favorites...

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a month now since Matt and I finally tied the knot. It’s come and gone so quickly, and I’m sure most of you have read post after post of pre, mid, and after wedding details, so I won’t bore you with all the pictures (if you want those, just check out Mom’s!) But I can’t help but share our favorites...

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