I guess starting a blog of our own means we’ve finally "grown up." Well, Matt doesn’t want to believe it. Either way, just in the few weeks we’ve been in Gridley, we’ve realized how quickly we lose touch with family and friends, and this is, as everyone we know has decided as well, the best way to keep everyone posted with the ins and outs of newlywed life.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a month now since Matt and I finally tied the knot. It’s come and gone so quickly, and I’m sure most of you have read post after post of pre, mid, and after wedding details, so I won’t bore you with all the pictures (if you want those, just check out Mom’s!) But I can’t help but share our favorites...

Glad to see you finally entered the "adult" world of blogging. Now we will be able to keep up with what you're up to better. Can't wait til you post pics. Love ya.
We're so glad to have you on board! Even though we live close sometimes it's easier to keep up through our blogs, something I can do @ 2:00 am!!!
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