A few weeks ago, Matt and his friends played at the Yuba City Centennial on Plumas St. Matt's brother Jacob, and his friends Cody, Cole and Jon have all played music off and on for years now, so it was so much fun to see them play on a real stage, and not a spare bedroom or basement. Thoughout our dating years, I spent many hours watching these boys make music in their "play room" with ear plugs in (little rooms + loud amps are not a good combination!)

Before Matt and I started talking, I always knew
of him as the "cute guy who plays bass." Still true.
My brother Cody also helped at the event with the FCS players, how great does he look? He has done drama with the FCS Players since he was in elementary school through Summer Drama, but this is his first official year, and he is loving it! I am so glad he is out of his brace and much more mobile, he is always such a commited performer.

Cody as a soldier, he had to walk around in character
all night, and talk to strangers... not an easy task!
Great job all my boys!!
Thanks for the pictures and update...how weird to not have been there! Thanks for being mom, Ashlie! I love & miss you!
Looks like fun! Good job guys.
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