
Hello strangers! I suppose a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years are in order since it has been that long since I have last written. Let’s see. We have spent January getting back into the swing of things just like everyone else. Back to school and work after the holidays, but strange as it sounds, the schedule always is a bit of a relief. Matt has new classes this semester and is preparing for his first clinical internship in April. It will last a month and fortunately will be at Durham Regional Hospital, which is only a few blocks away from our house. We were so relieved that he was able to get that site, and he is really looking forward to some hands on experience.
We have fallen in love with basketball all over again and have been thrilled to attend several basketball games this month. I am proud to say that no one can call us fair-weather fans! So far we have stood outside in below freezing temperatures and rain for hours to get in, but without a doubt the minute we get into Cameron (and our bodies thaw out) all the excitement sets in and it was all worth the wait. Basketball here is so much more than a game. Still weeks away from the Duke v. UNC game, the lines are definitely being drawn. I have been asked on more than one occasion when checking out at the grocery store “whose side I am on.” Even the four-year old I nanny for has rid her closet (and crayon box) of anything Duke Blue. Heaven forbid she learn to read that the sweatshirt I wear on a weekly basis says DUKE. We will keep that our little secret. :)
So there's just a brief update on life so far in 2010. I promise to post more in the coming weeks!
Also, for any of you interested, I wanted to post a couple links for our church out here, The Summit. Coincidentally, after establishing that The Summit was a great fit for us, we discovered that several of Matt’s classmates also attend, which is wonderful. We so look forward to hearing what Pastor JD has to say every week, his words are always convicting and from the heart, and most importantly it is evident that his focus is on speaking the word of God, and not of anyone else.
Finally, in an attempt to familiarize everyone back home with our new home... I leave you with this picture of Downtown. :)