I am proud to introduce you to the newest member of our little family...


Matt has always said that as soon as we can, he wants a hunting dog. Well, let's just say that Linus won't exactly grow up to be the intimidating predator Matt had always dreamed of, but he fits perfectly in our equally tiny apartment. Someday Matt. :)

And the night we got Linus, we had a pretty big snow storm, well for North Carolina anyways. We ended up with about 8 inches in Durham, but you would have thought the world was ending. Everything was closed, including schools.. for the entire week. And the weathermen did little to calm everyone's nerves. We loved it, even though our friends from Michigan thought it that everyone had lost their minds! It looked like Y2K all over again, empty grocery store shelves, desolate roads, basically little short of mayhem.

As excited as we were about the weather, Linus wasn't so thrilled to begin his potty training adventure in it. He was a trooper though!

And then... a visit from mom! Linus was so excited to meet his Nana. We had a rainy weekend when she came, and barely made it in from the storm, but we were thrilled to have a couple of hours to spend with her!
And of course we never pass up an opportunity for Five Guys!!
Love you mom! We will be thinking about all the laughter we shared as we wait anxiously for your next visit!
Congratulations on your new family member! He's super cute!
What an adorable little puppy! I love the name too. Ash, it's the first I've seen of your apartment, and what a cozy home you have! You all are so talented at making it look "picture perfect". Don't take it for granted. It's a gift. I WANT to have that gift:) Wish you could be joining us this weekend. We've gotta get together soon. ~Jaime
He is super cute!!!! And I love the name too!
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