Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The past two Saturdays, me, Matt, Dad and Cody have headed up to the McBride’s to cut down a few of their dead trees for firewood. I’ll be the first to say, we definitely got a workout, but we actually had a lot of fun cutting, chopping and even climbing (yes dad, climbing) trees! Here are a few pictures…

Dad and Matt did most of the sawing, but Cody jumped in there too.. and yes, even me!!
The first obstacle we ran into was when the tree the guys cut fell straight into another tree. We had quite the time trying to get it out.
First dad tried to cut it so it would fall in the opposite direction. That didn’t quite work. Instead, we ended up with a floating tree.
Next, Cody suggested we use a rope to pull it down.
That worked well, except dad decided to climb up the cut tree to tie the rope onto the highest branch he could find. Which left him stranded on the tree. Ha, he was having way too much fun!!

Our next tree fell directly on the stack of firewood we had so carefully laid. Oops.
Who knew you could have so much fun chopping wood??
Thank you McBrides for keeping us warm this winter!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
The obligatory pumpkin farm post
Come August, I have fall on my brain. I don't care how hot it is, I start to pray for rain, redecorate, crave pumpkin pie, and inevitably start counting the days till Christmas (if you don't know already, Matt and I are really big Christmas people, more on that at a later post.)
The past month I have been dying to go with to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. This place is very important to me for two reasons. First and foremost, the memories. I have gone without fail every years since I can remember (as I am sure most of you Yuba-Citians have.) I have countless pictures of me and Kate poking our heads through the giant pumpkin, dozens of memories of searching for (what felt like) hours for the perfect pumpkin, and I can never forget bouncing around all afternoon in the hay silo until Cody’s asthma flared up so badly that he wheezed the following night away. Obviously some memories are fonder than others, (sorry Cody) but nonetheless, they are there. Oh yes, the second reason Bishop’s is so important to me? Their carmel apples. Hands down. The best. Last Thursday, we got a phone call from Matt’s brother Jacob and he wanted to see if we would like to join him and his girlfriend Kellye to the pumpkin farm. We were so excited! True, the petting zoo wasn’t quite the same without a little one, and I felt sort of silly sticking my head through the giant pumpkin, but hey, we’re all kids at heart right?
Making music.
of him as the "cute guy who plays bass." Still true.
My brother Cody also helped at the event with the FCS players, how great does he look? He has done drama with the FCS Players since he was in elementary school through Summer Drama, but this is his first official year, and he is loving it! I am so glad he is out of his brace and much more mobile, he is always such a commited performer.
all night, and talk to strangers... not an easy task!
Great job all my boys!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Congratulations Trent and Whitney Fochs!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Application Anxiety
Anyways, since people keep asking us what schools we have in mind, I thought I would post to let you know our “top 6.” They are:
University of the Pacific - Stockton, CA
University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Regis University - Denver, CO
Duke University - Raleigh, NC
Boston Universtity - Boston, MA
The Ohio State University - Columbus, OH
No order in particular, and honestly we have no preferences right now. We have decided to send an application to each one of these schools and hover anxiously by the mail box to see who wants us! As Matt prepares each one, we can't help but consider what God has in store for us, whether it’s across the country, or right here in California. While very frightening, it is also so exciting to have the opportunity to allow Him to (literally) point us the direction in which we are to go, and trust and have faith that He will provide for us.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Matt's Got Game!
This is where Matt shot his buck...
Smile for the camera!
I am so proud of my guy!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
so long, farewell...
As painful as it was to see Kate walk up that dreaded escalator, I am so excited to see her what God has in store for her. I can't wait for her to come back in the fall with the bundle of stories I am sure she will be anxious to share. She is taking a big leap into the unknown and for that, I couldn't be more proud of by little sister! We love you Kate and miss you already!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Stitches and French Fries
It definitely wasn't the meal I planned, but I will never forget our first (attempted) dinner as newlyweds! (P.S. - Matt opens ALL cans now!)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The happiest place on earth...
Like so many people told us, Disneyland is such a different place when it's just you and your significant other, and we couldn't agree more. It has such a special place in our hearts now and we can't wait to go back to remember all the memories we made and to make more!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our story.
It was almost five years ago since we first started dating, and I find myself falling more in love with him every day.
Well hello there, we're the Ithurburns!
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a month now since Matt and I finally tied the knot. It’s come and gone so quickly, and I’m sure most of you have read post after post of pre, mid, and after wedding details, so I won’t bore you with all the pictures (if you want those, just check out Mom’s!) But I can’t help but share our favorites...