Well, we are in North Carolina safe and sound! Needless to say, we are happy to be off the road, but here are some pictures from the second half of our journey...

Thursday we left Joliette, IL which is only about 40 minutes from Chicago and 4 hours from Joe and Sarah. We thought it would be a good chance to be tourists and do a little sightseeing.

What a breathtaking city.

We drove by Wrigley Field for Matt. It was really impressive how old it looked. The whole city had such history.

We stopped by Navy Pier for a little bit.

And finally the moment we had been waiting for.. authentic Chicago-style pizza! It definitely lived up to it's reputation. So so good. We only had 1 and 1/2 pieces each because they were so big. YUM

Although our visit was short, we agree that the windy city treated us well, and can't wait to visit again.

Welcome to Ohio!
We were so relieved when we finally got to Joe and Sarah's adorable house for a little R&R. We were pretty tired and so excited to see them, especially this little guy...


We had so much fun seeing Joe and Sarah's town, and everyone was so welcoming of us. We visited their church on Sunday, and I also got to attend Joe's brother's fiancee's wedding shower, I can't count how many times Sarah and I were told that we "must be sisters." We also got asked if we were twins. One of the little boys at Joe and Sarah's church even came up to me and started telling me about his track meet score from the day before. I just smiled and let him tell me his impressive time, and then told him that I was sure Sarah would love to hear his score too! Poor guy I think he was very confused. :) We were so thankful for the wonderful hospitality Joe and Sarah showed us. They definitely got us rested before the last leg of our journey. Oh, we also got three solid games of Settler's in, and are officially addicted.

On the road again...

The only song appropriate for entering West Virginia, "Take Me Home Country Road" by John Denver.
okay...everything was so fun & interesting to look at...until i got to the "welcome to north carolina" sign & you in it...that's when, i think, it finally hit me. you ARE gone...you ARE "home"...that's when the tears came : (
really, i am soooo happy for you & so proud of you both.
i love you & i miss you so much...have a great time fixing up your "new home" : )
Yah, John Denver....the songs of your childhood, Ashlie! So if someone thought you and Sarah were twins, how does it feel to be 10yrs older Ashlie? I'm sure Sarah enjoyed feeling 10 yrs younger! So glad your finally there.....can't wait for the pictures of your new home, keep them coming!
Luv u both!
Mom Warta
Enjoy your new home...the adventure is just beginning!
I am sure that you are well into the unpacking and settling in stage. We can't wait to see the photos of your new home. Hailey prayed for your guys all week as you traveled. She kept saying, "I can't imagine being Ashlie and Matt right now and having to travel for 6 days-it is kinda of like the prairie days." Bethany loves her purple vase. She picked flowers out of the yard all on her own that day and displayed it proudly. We are excited to see how God is going to work in your lives! We love you both very much and think about you often!
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